17 Feb 2014大约一年前发现了虾米歌曲的链接转换算法(其实n年前已经有了),文章:http://lazynight.me/2916.html
import urllib
def caesar(location):
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num = int(location[0])
avg_len, remainder = int(len(location[1:]) / num), int(len(location[1:]) % num)
result = [location[i * (avg_len + 1) + 1: (i + 1) * (avg_len + 1) + 1] for i in range(remainder)]
result.extend([location[(avg_len + 1) * remainder:][i * avg_len + 1: (i + 1) * avg_len + 1] for i in range(num-remainder)])
url = urllib.unquote(”.join([''.join([result[j][i] for j in range(num)]) for i in range(avg_len)]) +
”.join([result[r][-1] for r in range(remainder)])).replace(‘^’,’0′)
return url
转载请注明:于哲的博客 » 虾米音乐链接crack(Python版)